Thursday, April 9, 2009


She can't really hide what she feels.
It was so evident last weekend.(Weekend before the last?)
No matter how she tried, she just can't.
She just can't contain it.
She cried.

Does she have the right?
She think everyone would say in chorus, "NO!"
And she knows that.

And why is she feeling that way?
Maybe because she already invested time and attention to that person.
Can he blame her?
She don't think so.

She's just so transparent.
She says or shows what she feels.
He once told him, "that sets you apart from her... coz you tell me what you feel."
That she was never afraid to tell him what she feel... no matter what the issue is all about.
She was never a pleaser.
She would always tell him her opinion. Solicited or unsolicited.
What's wrong with that?

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