You can't find something if you don't know what you're looking for.
When we were a kid, we know exactly what we want. But as we grow older, we're having difficulty defining what we want. At times, we want to play it safe. We want to have the best of both worlds.
Let me share this. I got this from a movie I watched over the weekend. This will kinda help us define what to look for.
Some guidelines on how to spot the right partner.
He should be R-E-A-L.
R - is he Responsible
E - is he your Equal
A - is he an Adult
L - is he Loving
Some of us are afraid of being alone. So, we settle for less.
Do you know what's scarier than being alone?
It's being with the wrong guy for the rest of your life.
Think about it.
Thanks to myhhy for the picture.
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